Friday, April 8, 2011


Hey ya'll...this is just a little write-up for my daughters birthday today in hopes that in between her busy teenage schedule she'll take a moment to read :)
Have a great day ya'll!

May Hayhay....that's what we call my you....Hayhay.
See the little kids in day care would try to say Hayley and it came out Hayhay.  17 years......only 388 more days till you're 18....that's your countdown and such a definite one at that.  You text me often to remind me how many days are left....we both understand why 18 is so important to you. 
I remember the day I went to the hospital to have you.  We got up and left the house at like 4:30 in the morning.  Went to the hospital, got prepped and of to the OR I go.  They wouldn't let anyone in the room with me, not even your daddy and I didn't get to see you when you came out.  I had trouble regaining the feeling back after the epidural and spent 5 hours in recovery before they took me to a room.  When they finally brought you into the room, your daddy had brought Cadey in the room to see you.  She had on a new polka dot dress and was so excited.  The nurse asked her if she wanted to hold her little sister and she said Yeah! She was the first one out of all of us to get to hold you!  So no matter what you two think about each other now and over the years, she really loves you and loved you the first moment she saw we all do :)
I've missed a lot of your daily life and many of your ups and downs and although many don't see it, it does tear at my heart every day.  That's the past and is something that can't be changed.....only repaired. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you grow in this next year.  I know most parents don't look forward to their children turning 18 and going off to college but I'm excited and happy for you and can't wait to watch you
 begin your senior year, senior homecoming game, spring break, 18th birthday, senior prom and graduation!
So many exciting times ahead and many memories to make.

Well Hayley, If you ever have a moment to read this I just want you to know how much I love you and how proud of you I am.  You have a mindset and determination that I admire.  I only want you to enjoy life and find something you want and love to do but most of all I want you to know that i'll always be here for you.  You'll always have a home to come to, a lake to swim in and b-b-q nachos are only one call away :)
Much love and happy birthday!

1 comment:

xinex said...

Happy b irthday to Hayhay! What a sweet post for her...Christine